5 October 2024

“Poesia diffusa e limiti”
Laure Keyrouz Arts Gallery


MicroCollection presents the short tale “La vetta”

Via del Solstizio, 62
Nervesa della Battaglia, Italy
curated by Luciano Paronetto.

28 September 2024

Collateral event by MicroCollection with the culinary contribution “Omaggio a Duchamp: Prière de toucher”

Le déjeuner sur l’herbe (Erotica artistica)”
A project by Ermanno Cristini in conversation with Giancarlo Norese
casa Baldi/Carugati, Via Case Sparse 12, Serralunga di Crea,


13-16 Septembere 2024

Performative Installation, Exhibition, Talk, Movie Screening, Poetry,
Music, Symposium curated by Laure Keyrouz Arts Gallery
The association RADICA will host the project curator Denise Parizek and the artists Cristina Calderoni, Chiara Campanile, Paula Flores.
The aim of “Rethinking” is to create a new kind of monument, a place of peace and rethinking.
Furthermore, MicroCollection (by Elisa Bollazzi), Loredana Manfrè, Annalisa Cattani and Susanna Ravelli will participate.
Giardino della Pace
Comune di Nervesa della Battaglia


Saturday 7 September 2024

Art et Migration
“L’adaptation comme une forme d’art”
curated by EEIMA, Ecole européenne pour l’intégration des migrants par l’art, director Mariem Memni, in collaboration with Biennale de Paris and the school Enda
at La Maison de la Création


Saturday 22 June 2024

curated by Ermanno Cristini in conversation with Giancarlo Norese
Casa Scaglioni, Castelponzone

Susanna Baumgartner, Cesare Biratoni, Valentina Bobbo, Sergio Breviario, Valentino Canclini, Lucia Cappellazzi, Umberto Cavenago, Barbara Colombo, Ermanno Cristini, Emma Damiani, Oppy De Bernardo, Massimo De Caria, Al Fadhil, Luca Fantasia, Dino Ferruzzi, Arianna Giorgi, Giulio Lacchini, Silvia Listorti, Mauro Maffezzoni, Claudia Mangone, MicroCollection, Cecilia Mentasti, Giancarlo Norese, Bertille Ogier, Luisa Turuani, Olivia Vighi

18 May 2024
Presentation of MicroCollection
at l’EEIMA (Ecole européenne pour l’intégration des migrants par l’art), director Mariem Memni
from 10AM to 12.AM

10 Mars 2024

curated by FAI Varese.
as part of the twentieth edition ofFilosofarti (This year’s theme is VISIBLE/INVISIBLE)
Villa e collezione Panza
p.zza Litta, 1
Varese, Italy

31 janvier 2024

S.L.O.W( Salon Littéraire Online Wild) #12
reading of extracts of texts by Another Lazy Artist, Elisa Bollazzi, Stéfan Billot, Lam Lam and
Le Catalogue de La Biennale de Paris
from 17.00 to 18.00

19 January 2024

S.L.O.W( Salon Littéraire Online Wild) #11
reading of extracts of texts by Sylvette Annibal, Elisa Bollazzi, Stefan Billot, Loli Tsan and of the catalogue of the XV Biennale de Paris.
from 19.00 to 20.00


2 December 2023

Costruzione partecipativa del diritto alla PACE oggi
Contemporary art and poetry Cafè
Inchiostro e Pietra & RADICA
via del Solstizio, 62 – Nervesa della Battaglia, Italy

31 October 2023

S.L.O.W #8 (Salon Littéraire Online Wild)
guests Mystères and the catalogue of the Biennale de Paris.
Reading of fragments of their texts and extracts of the catalogue of the XV Biennale de Paris.
from 19.00 to 20.00

9-10-16-17 September 2023

Mountains and Human Rights
curated by Laure Keyrouz and RADICA
Nervesa dela Battaglia TV
my short tale
Un passo dietro l’altro

13 May – 4 June 2023

Gallery Sweet Gallery outdoor
Outdoor Biennale of environmental art, fifth edition

collettive work

via Luini – via Segantini, 90
Mariano Comense, Italy

opening Saturday 13 May 2023 – h 17.00

free admission every day from 9.00 to 19.00

pressrelease here


31 March 2023

Talk and workshop
ENDA (Ecole nationale d’art de Paris)



14 – 16 February 2023

MicroCollection brings its experience of Invisual Art to the Master pro art invisuel (MPAI) running from 14th February to 15th June 2023 at ISBAS (Institut Supérieur des Beaux-Arts, Sousse, Tunisia) in collaboration with ENDA (Ecole nationale d’art, Paris).
Intensive training programme on Invisual Art for ISBAS teachers.

Sousse, Tunisia

INTERVIEW 20 February 2023
RTCI Radio Tunis Chaîne Internationale
Raouia Kheder interviews Alexandre Gurita and Mariem Memni
about the Biennale de Paris 2024 in Tunis and
the Master Pro Invisual Art at ISBAS Sousse, Institut Supérieur des Beaux-Arts of Sousse, Tunisia

28 March 2023 – La Presse Tunis
Art invisuel: mais oui, cela existe!!! by Alya Hamza (here)


28 January 2023


Through vibrant music, visual art, movement, and thoughtful discourse, we hope to celebrate our love of the natural world, the creativity of Earth’s ecosystems, and the ingenuity of artists. Wherever you are in the world, tune on January 28, 2023!


9 – 10 December 2022

MicroCollection presents Carla Della Beffa in
ALBUME convivial art project 2002 – 2022
Sound Diving Happening
guest Mario Cottura
via fratelli Vaschetto 11a

Friday 9 from 18.00 to 21.00
Saturday 10 from 17.00 to 20.00

21 November 2022
on the occasion of the National Tree Day

Art sowing: Glamstaxspalaman, 2005 by Maurizio Elettrico
in collaboration with the art project NOI PIANTIAMO GLI ALBERI E GLI ALBERI PIANTANO NOI curated byLa Casaforte SB
Piazzetta Stella, rione Sanità
Naples, Italy

18 September 2022

Trasporto eccezionale
curated by Al Fadhil
inside the artwork Sweet Home by Umberto Cavenago
Parco San Colombano, Suzzara, Italy

21/29 August 2022

artist in residency * mountain
Frattura di Scanno AQ – Italy

info here

17 June 2022

Colloque international art invisuel: doxa et paradoxe
Sorbonne Université – Amphithéatre Guizot
17 rue de la Sorbonne
Paris, France

5 March 2022

A special Art sowing
at the closing event of the exhibition T.A.N.A. Think About Natural Action
in collaboration with the project NOI PIANTIAMO GLI ALBERI E GLI ALBERI PIANTANO NOI curated by La Casaforte SB
Andrea Nuovo Gallery
via Monte di Dio, 61
Naples, Italy


29 January 2022


Through vibrant music, visual art, movement, and thoughtful discourse, we hope to celebrate our love of the natural world, the creativity of Earth’s ecosystems, and the ingenuity of artists. Wherever you are in the world, tune on January 29, 2022!


24 October 2021

selected in
Open Call on Senselessness, COSE COSMICHE
Wobbly table meetings
Senseless conversation room, Hotel Belgrade
Art Weekend Belgrade – Hotel Belgrade
Belgrade, Serbia
20-29 October 2021


11 September 2021

my short tale NON SI MUOVONO PIÙ in

curated by Laure Keyrouz Arts Gallery and Inchiostro e pietra

via del Solstizio, 62
Santa Croce del Montello
Nervesa della Battaglia TV

14 August 2021

Aletheia Fest ‘21
Mail Art Exhibition

6 August 2021

artists in residency * mountain
curated by Valentina Colella

Art Sowing IN e OUT
Divine Pine, 2014 by Mirjam Wanner
Fungo, 2012 by Stefano Venezia
Tree, 2009 by Ai Weiwei

mountain Genzana, 1649 m.
Introdacqua (AQ)


March 2021

MicroCollection selected in the Open Call The Traces We Leave by The Syzygy Project, USA
with the artwork Art Sowings



21 November 2020

on the occasion of the Italian Tree Day

ART SOWING: 7-meter Tree, 1980-82 by Giuseppe Penone
curated by Iskra Sguera

Orto sul tetto (vegetable garden on the roof)
curated by Cornelius Gavril / PIUARCH
via Palermo, 1 – Milan, Italy

GUIDED TOUR: Rebecca Biancamano, student of Accademia di Belle Arti ACME, Milan, Italy

Photo dossier

article Semina d’arte in quota nel cuore di Brera nella City milanese di Iskra Sguera, pp 228-231 (here) Frattura Scomposta contemporary art magazine


26 September 2020

Art Sowing curated by Annalisa Ferraro
supported by Regione Lazio and Funds FESR
Project TraMe-Tracce di Memoria, agency The Uncommon Factory

Museo Civico Rieti, Medieval Botanical Garden, Porta San Giovanni
Rieti, Rome, Italy

Press release (here)

photo dossier (here)

May 2020

Window 2020
a group video-sketch (here) curated by Anna Fatyanova
Microcollection at minute 05.01

Berne, Switzerland


22 February 2020

Group show: artworks cm 14 x 20
Brugherio, Italy


23 December 2019

Art sowing: Crazy Beans, 2003, Gianni Caravaggio

curated by La Casaforte S.B. Antonio Sacco & Valeria Borrelli
with the patronage of the municipality and of the Museum Madre

Vico Politi, Naples, Italy


25 – 30 June 2019

CORALE, drawings exchange among artists.
An artproject by Nazzareno Guglielmi
Sala delle colonne, Fabbrica del Vapore, Milan, Italy


30 June – 15 August 2019

Susanna Baumgartner/MicroCollection
Viale S. Pedrino, Varese, Italy

MicroCollection presents the Cabinet de regard: colori e forme, 2019 and its archives


11 May – 2 June 2019

Gallery Sweet Gallery
Outdoor 2019
Mariano Comense, Italy

Microcollection presents Art Breeding Ground, 2019 here


15 – 28 February 2019

curated by Anna Fatyanova
Monbijoustrasse, 69
Bern, Switzerland


9 February 2019

Art sowing on demand: 7-meter Tree, 1980-82, Giuseppe Penone
curated by Panagiotis Voulgaris
FokiaNou Art Space,
Athens, Greec


24 January – 2 February 2019
Nowhere Gallery
via del Caravaggio, 14
Milan, Italy



29 September 2018

Un Giorno Senza – A Day Without, curated by Angelo Ricciardi
Studio Tommaseo
Trieste, Italy


15 June 2018

Microcollection is invited to hold a workshop at ENDA (Ecole nationale d’art de Paris) in Paris


5 May 2018

Casa di Lucrezio, 1981-84, Giulio Paolini, 2018
laser engraving on plexiglas and 3D printed bioplastic hemp

Ora e Qui
EX-NEW Contemporary Art Center
Sulbiate, Italy


21 April 2018

Cabinet de regard: micro & macro, 2018
under a microscope art fragments of artworks by:
William Cobbing, Igor Eskinja, Petrit Halilaj, Camille Henrot and Xu Zhen

Semina d’arte: Albero di 3 metri, 1988-89, Giuseppe Penone

NoPlace.space 4
Ex Ceramiche Vaccari
Santo Stefano di Magra, Italy

photo dossier


11 March 2018

Cabinet de regard: micro&macro, 2018

curated by Ermanno Cristini and Giancarlo Norese
999. Una collezione di domande sull’abitare contemporaneo

Palazzo della Triennale, Milan, Italy

under a microscope art fragments of artworks by:
William Cobbing, Igor Eskinja, Petrit Halilaj, Camille Henrot and Xu Zhen

photo dossier


17 February 2018

Art Sowing: 3-meter tree, 1988-89, Giuseppe Penone

KCC Kunsthallecc
Castello Cabiaglio, Italy


16 December 2017

Art sowing: Watermelons, 1984, Piero Gilardi
Kunstbrulé in palmo di mano
with a huge artwork by Marion Baruch
curated by Zentrum
Brugherio, Italy


25-26 November 2017

Art sowing: Italian art, 2017
Festival Non-Aligné(é)s
La Générale
Paris, France


6 April-15 May 2017

Cabinet de regard: The Visitors, 2017
The Cabinet Project
Université de Toronto, St. George Campus ( various locations )
an interdisciplinary project by Art Sci Salon collective
Cabinet de regard: The Visitors, 2017

photo dossier

video minute 17.50

Glitch – The Aesthetic of Failure
Isherwood Gallery, The Old Courts
Wigan, UK


1-16 April 2017

Sračok & Pöhlmann
For Real
curated by Herzog Dellafiore
through Shim at ArtHelix Gallery
Brooklyn, NY
press release
post on Vincent Romaniello’s blog
Cabinet de regard: Twenty names circled in red and green, 2017
dossier fotografico


8 April 2017

Art Sowing: Phosphorescent yellow roses. Woody, 2009, Jeanne Silverthorne
Noi piantiamo gli alberi e gli alberi piantano noi
curated by La Casaforte S. B.
with the patronate of Fondazione Donnaregina, Museo Madre, Naples
Quartieri Spagnoli
Naples, Italy


17 December 2016
Art sowing: Albero del paradiso, 1972, Gino Marotta
Noi Piantiamo Gli Alberi e Gli Alberi Piantano Noi
curated by La Casaforte S. B.

a practice of planting trees with Microcollection art fragments in their roots
under the patronate of Fondazione Donnaregina, Museo Madre, Naples

Quartieri Spagnoli
Naples, Italy


25 November 2016

Island in the City
Presentation of the International art biennale SUSAK EXPO on the island of Susak with discussion
Project Room SCCA
Ljubljana, Slovenia


17 September 2016

49th edition of Premio Suzzara

NoPlace.Space art project winner of Suzzara Prize
Suzzara, Italy

Microcollection presents:

Cabinet de regard: Anish Kapoor, 2016
Galleria del Premio

Galleria del Premio Garden
Art sowing: Trees, 2016
Albero di 3 metri, 1988-89, Giuseppe Penone
Albero di 7 metri, 1980-82, Giuseppe Penone

Giardino del centro culturale Piazzalunga
Art sowing:
Fungo, 2012, Stefano Venezia
Il giardino dei fiori dimenticati, 1992, Riccardo Paracchini
500gr di vegetali scaduti=20gr di Fopo, 2016, Denise Bresciani

Parco della scienza
Art sowing:
Alga Alimenia, 2015, Miki Tallone
Le lilas des Indes, 2011, Hubert Renard

press release
Microcollection collaborates with Moviegraph, Suzzara
Microcollection collaborates with the teacher Loredana Mantovani and her students, class 2BS, Istituto Manzoni, Suzzara (here)


23 June-3 July 2016
Cabinet de regard: Marina Abramovic, 2016

group show
“Corpus n.1. La Luce che Intercetto”
curated by Amalia De Bernardis and Ivan Fassio
Turin, Italy


12 June 2016

Archive: Luther Blissett, Body language, 2000

arti e identità in movimento
ricordando Piermario Ciani (1951-2006)
Sterpio di Bertiolo, Italy


6-16 May 2016
Susak Expo 2016
Susak, Croatia

Art sowing: Gardens, 2016
Colza garden, 2016, Yari Miele
Darwin’s garden, 2011, Emanuela Biancuzzi
Garden, 2008, Cesare Biratoni
Hidden garden, 2009, Antonio O’Connell
The Garden, 1991-1992, Paul McCarthy
The naked Garden, 2008, Reinhard Kropf & Siv Helene Stangeland

Art sowing: Miscellany, 2016
Fungo, 2012, Stefano Venezia
La framboise/The raspberry, 2013, Jean-françois Demeure
Phosphorescent yellow roses. Woody, 2009, Jeanne Silverthorne
Rosa Americana, 2009, Luca Scarabelli
Salade, 2013, Olga Theuriet
Water violet, 2010, Manuela Martines
Wild garlic, 2011, Ermanno Cristini

Susak Expo 2016, Susak

PV / OPENING: Thursday 12 May
exhibition until end of September
Palača Fritzy, Museum of Mali Lošinj


15-17 April 2016

Micro residence
Abitare un ritardo
curated by Ermanno Cristini and Giancarlo Norese
Berne, Switzerland


17 March 2016

Sprout box: Watermelons, 1984, Piero Gilardi
curated by Alberto Mugnaini, Corrado Levi and Yari Miele
Milan, Italy


16 March 2016

MANN Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Naples Italy

Cabinet de regard: Joseph Beuys, 2016

Art sowing: 7000 oaks, Joseph Beuys
Noi piantiamo gli alberi e gli alberi piantano noi
curated by La Casaforte SB
matronage Fondazione Donnaregina
Naples, Italy


12 March 2016

Cabinet de regard: Void field, 1989, Anish Kapoor
Sprout box: Watermelons, 1984, Piero Gilardi
Fombio Castle, Italy


28 February 2016
Visual art and poetry meetings
Images and conflicts
New technologies and digital art today
curated by Laure Keyrouz and Susanna Crispino

Villa Relais Barco Zonca
Arcade, Italy


14 December 2015
Art sowing
curated by La Casaforte SB
P.tta Trinità degli Spagnoli, 4
Naples, Italy
article by Donatella Gallone


22 November 2015
Art sowings MAKE8ELIEVE (art # culture magazine)
curated by Michelle Marie Murphy (Chicago, Illinois) & Baptiste Lefevre (Cetusss) (Geneve, Switzerland)
pages 45-49


9 October 2015

Cabinet de regard: Carol Rama
N 45.57042°
E 9.30317
Brugherio, Italy


23-31 July 2015

Late season Art sowing, 2015
curated by Laure Keyrouz
new Centro di Arte Contemporanea ZACC
Villa della Zonca Garden
Arcade, Italy


6 June 2015

Cabinet de regard: a portion of Italian art, 2015
Zurich, Switzerland


11 April 2015

Art sowing: Petit Swiss, 2015
Albero diametro 22, 2015, Veronica Tanzi
Alga Alimenia, Halymenia Dichotoma, 2015, Miki Tallone
Asphaltflowers, 2014, Anna Kanai
Brainflower, 2014, Zeljka Marusic
Divine pine, 2011, Mirjam Wanner
It is not intended to be anything but a tree to be seen, 2015, Hektor Mamet
Lavender, 2014, Erica Diazoni
Radici, 2015, Aglaia Haritz
Tree of the knowledge of good only, 2015, Cetusss
curated by Elisa Bollazzi in collaboration with Hubert Renard

Cabinet de regard: Petit Swiss, 2015

Merkur Garten
Kreuzplatz, Zurich, Switzerland

post on the NYC artist Vincent Romaniello’s blog
Guide Legrand: review of the buffet
photo dossier


6 – 8 March 2015
Art sowing on demand: Salade, 2013, Olga Theuriet
curated by Paola Bisio
Studio Roberta Toscano
Turin, Italy


February 2015
short tale Una stanza tutta per me
Inchiostro e pietra 3, art poetry philosophy magazine
curated by Laure Keyrouz


13 December 2014

Art sowing
La Casaforte SB
Naples, Italy
photo dossier


23 – 26 October 2014

Trittico, 2014
Exchange Rates
Bushwick, Brooklyn New York
Centotto Gallery


3-20 July 2014

Hubert Renard & Microcollection selected project
Art Breeding Ground
Giardini Fresia
Cuneo, Italy

Vincent Romaniello’s Blog, NYC
blog by Domenico Olivero
photo dossier


22 June 2014

curated by Giovanni Bai/museoteo and Ermanno Cristini/riss(e)
Microcollection Conceptual Cake
Gavirate, Italy



14 June 2014

Art sowing: 7 metre tree, 1980-82, Giuseppe Penone
Alpine Botanic Garden Vivione
Paisco Loveno, Italy
curated by Francesca Conchieri and Mauro Cossu


9-16 May 2014

Cabinet de regard: Nature, 2014
” là // qua vene e bacini ”
curated by Francesca Conchieri and Mauro Cossu

photo dossier


4 April 2014

Cabinet de regard: Nature
7-meter tree, 1980-82, Giuseppe Penone
Watermelons, 1984, Piero Gilardi
Fractas Flowerfields, 2008, Line Bergseth
Garden, 2008, Cesare Biratoni
Indian lilac, 2011, Hubert Renard
Artist vegetable garden, 2010, Maria Rebecca Ballestra
Phosphorescent Yellow Roses. Woody, 2009, Jeanne Silverthorne
The Garden, 1991-92, Paul McCarthy
Museo Civico Palazzo Borea d’Olmo
Sanremo, Italy

photo dossier


2 March 2014

Guided tours to Microcollection Art sowings
3 metre Tree, 1986-89, Giuseppe Penone
7 meter tree, 1980-82, Giuseppe Penone

Watermelons, 1984, Piero Gilardi
The Garden, 1991-92, Paul McCarthy
Paradise tree, 1972, Gino Marotta
Hidden Garden, 2009, Antonio O’Connell
Villa Gonzaga Garden
Olgiate Olona, Italy

guided tours conducted by Mattia Capelletti and Annamaria Guidi

photo dossier


1 March 2014

Art sowing: Women
China rose, 2008, Raffaella Bandera
Devi piegarti verso ciò che raccogli. Il seme gettato, 2012, Annamaria Di Giacomo e Stefania Zocco
The secret tree, 2010, Miriam Broggini
Water Violet, 1999, Manuela Martines
The naked Garden, 2008, Reinhard Kropf & Siv Helena Stangeland
Centro esposizioni Tante Cose
Busto Arsizio, Italy


7 February-30 March 2014

Art sowing on demand: Art
curated by Rachele Abbate and Maria Rebecca Ballestra
Museo Civico Palazzo Borea d’Olmo
Sanremo, Italy

23 November – 22 December 2013
With a Little Help from My Friends
Museo Maga
Gallarate, Italy


3-24 November 2013

Cabinet de regard: journey into fragility
Future Nature Culture-Rebecca Ballestra
curated by Sara Rees
Goat Major Projects
Cardiff, UK


4 October 2013

Spazio Novella Guerra / Annalisa Cattani
Imola, Italy
Giulia Brivio, Ermanno Cristini, Patrizia Giambi, Microcollection
photo dossier


4 October 2013

Art sowing: Miscellanea, 2013
curated by Jean-Marie Reynier
Losone, Switzerland
photo dossier


28 July 2013

Cabinet de regard; Journey into Fragility
Science Museum MUSE
Trento, Italy

photo dossier


30 April 2013

Microcollection in
Combinatoria curated by Claudio Ruggieri Pintapiuma
Circolo degli Artisti
Turin, Italy


16 March 2013
Grand Show
Giancarlo Norese
Tirana, Albania
photo dossier


16 March 2013

Hubert Renard & Microcollection
Jeunes pousses d’Italie
Art sowing: Jeunes pousses d’Italie:
Wild Garlic, 2011, Ermanno Cristini
Paradise tree, 2011, Gino Marotta
The 7-metre tree, 1980-82, Giuseppe Penone
Sea Algae, 1999, Sergio Racanati
Anastatica sensibile, 2012, Daniela Di Maro
Watermelons, 1984, Piero Gilardi
Ivy Bar, 2011, Giancarlo Norese
Crazy Beans, 2003, Gianni Caravaggio
Post Human Garden, Maria Rebecca Ballestra
Mysterious Seeds, 2011, Ettore Favini
curated by Hubert Renard

CDLA Centre des livres d’artistes
Saint-Yrieix-La-Perche, France
Vincent Romaniello’s Blog, NYC
Guide Legrand:review of the opening aperitif
photo dossier


12 January 2013

Cabinet de regard: Lucio Fontana, 2013
curated by motelb
Spazio Pachiderma
Brescia, Italy

guided tours conducted by Valentina Andreatta and Matteo Facchini, students at Laba,
Libera Accademia di Belle Arti di Brescia
article Artribune
photo dossier


20 October 2012
Il Funesto Demiurgo
Komà ArtGallery
Montagano, Italy


15 September 2012

Art sowing: group show, 2012
Arspolis 2
Lugano, Switzerland


13-14 July 2012

Cabinet de regard: MicroItalics
Progetto Albume
curated by Stefano Venezia
Cuneo, Italy
photo dossier


19 May 2012

Guided tours to 31 March Art Sowing :
Tree of 3 metres, 1986-89, Giuseppe Penone
Tree of 7 metres, 1980-82, Giuseppe Penone
Watermelons, 1984, Piero Gilardi
The Garden, 1991-92, Paul McCarthy
Paradise Tree, 1972, Gino Marotta
Hidden Garden, 2009, Antonio O’Connell
Giardini Estensi
Varese, Italy

guided tours conducted by 6 students of Liceo Artistico Frattini
photo dossier


17-22 aprile 2012

Cabinet de regard: Tree of 3 metres, 1988-89,Giuseppe Penone
Art Sowing: Tree of 3 metres, 1988-89, Giuseppe Penone
Art Sowing Kit , 2012 Multiple 25/25

FuoriSarpi / Fuori è verde
China town, Milan, Italy


25 October 2011 forever

Art sowing: Vegetable Garden
Wild Garlic, 2010, Ermanno Cristini
Watermelons, 1984, Piero Gilardi
Crazy Beans, 2003, Gianni Caravaggio

Lisson Gallery Garden
Milan, Italy



Cabinet de regard: fragmented story
Art sowing: fragmented story
Palace Grand Hotel
Varese, Italy


22 May 2011
Parco Morselli
Gavirate, Italy


Spazi d’attesa

Artist: Elisa Bollazzi/Microcollection: Architects: Francesca Scalise, Andrea Bollazzi, Alessandra Tondini, Elena Villa
International PAV PRIZE 2011
Turin, Italy

Group show: all projects
2 July 2011
Group Show/ artists selected
Parco Arte Vivente,


16 – 19 September 2010

Il museo dei Musei
Cabinet de regard: fragmented story, 1990-2010
Lambretto Art Project
Milan, Italy


25 April 2010
Utopia of an invisible museum

Cabinet de regard: Waiting Flowerbed, 2010
Semina d’arte: Aiuola d’attesa, 2010
curated by Alessandro Castiglioni
Terra Arte e Radici
Associazione culturale ALEPH
Castello di Jerago, Italy


ArtParty Sferica 2010
curated by Marcello Morandini
Civico Museo d’Arte Moderna
Castello di Masnago, Italy
Pressrelease Novel La Sfera Bio  


2 – 25 October 2009

The Guest and the Intruder: Kristine Alksne and Microcollection, next to you
Varese, Italy


10 – a generation of artists’ books, Archives, O’Artoteca, Milan, Italy
Temporary Kunsthalle Lugano by Al Fadhil, Homage to Not Vital, Lugano, Switzerland
Artblitz, Art sowing, night time, somewhere in Busto Arsizio, Italy
Contemporary Art Lottery, La Cosa, Vegetali Ignoti, La Ciocca Arte Contemporanea, Milan, Italy
AERA, ExpoPromenade ‘09, Cabinet de regard: MicroItalics, Pau, France
Roaming, MicroItalics, 91mQ Gallery, Berlin, Germany
KUNSTbrulè LX , Cabinet de regard: solo show: Kristina Braein , Brugherio, Italy
Boite, Marcel Duchamp Boite-en-Valise 1935
Roaming, Cabinet de regard: MicroItalics, La Rada, Locarno, Switzerland


22 November 2008

Apartment Art 06, Cabinet de regard: Lucio Fontana, Solbiate Arno, Italy


04 October 2008
Contemporary Art Day: Microcollection participates in the virtual debate on art dematerialization: Art dematerialization. Immateriality, relational research and new technologies organized by Marcello Mazzella. Participants: S. Barzaghi, A. Castiglioni, E. Cristini, V. Cuomo, S. Falci, J.B. Farkas, galleria Diecidue, L. Giuranna, A. Gurita, Microcollection, Mme Duplok, G. Mollet-Viéville.


30 Septembre 2008

Roaming, Cabinet de regard: Anish Kapoor, 24 May 1990
, Manifesta 7, Bozen, Italy


6 July 2008

Roaming, Archives
, Musée d’art et d’histoire de St Denis, Paris, France


June 2008

Roaming, Cabinet de regard: Clonation La casa di Lucrezio, Giulio Paolini, Assab One, Milan, Italy


24 May 2008

Microcollection is 18 years old today: special Cabinet de regard, AR/GE Kunst Gallery, Bozen, Italy


25 April 2008

AERA, Cabinet de regard: The Italian Art in the second half of the Twentieth Century, Pau, France


20 April 2008

Apartment Art 05, Cabinet de regard: Conceptual Experiences, Milan, Italy


19 April 2008

Apartment Art 04, Cabinet de regard: Conceptual Experiences, Milan, Italy



KUNSTbrulè 2.0, Cave Elisam , Brugherio, Italy
Apartment Art 03, Cabinet de Regard, Ternate, Italy
Apartment Art 02, Cabinet de Regard, Legnano, Italy


17 February 2007

L’esperienza della Trasformazione, Cabinet de regard: Frammentaria
GAM, Galleria d’Arte Moderna
Gallarate, Italy



Apartment Art 01, Cabinet de Regard, Busto Arsizio, Italy
XV Biennale de Paris, curated by Alexandre Gurita, Paris, France
Filo d’Arianna, Memoli Arte Contemporanea, Maratea, Italy



Installazioni in QdiQuadro, Memoli Arte Contemporanea, Busto Arsizio, Italy



Grancia d’Argento, Premio internazionale d’Arte Contemporanea, Rapolano Terme, Italy
L’invasione degli ultrapiccoli, curated by Alessandra Galletta, Galleria Transepoca, Milan, Italy



Substitutions Logistiques curated by Manuela Gandini
Artists: Gallery Srl., Soussan Ltd, Elisa Bollazzi
Galerie Artcade, Nice, France

Articles (here) in FRATTURA SCOMPOSTA contemporary art magazine

“Smile, please”. 1993 Uno sguardo sul futuro, Manuela Gandini, pp 219-20
Conversazione tra Manuela Gandini e Leo Castelli trafugata a Nizza il 10/05/1993 – h 22.30, Elisa Bollazzi, p 221
Storia del frammento di Void Field, 1989 di Anish Kapoor, da Venezia a Nizza e … oltre, Elisa Bollazzi, pp 223-24
Escale à Nice, Sylvain Soussan, pp 224-27

dossier fotografico


Inventario 2, Loft, Valdagno, Italy



Solo show, V. S. V. Gallery, Turin, Italy
Fin du siècle, Luciano Inga-Pin Gallery, Milan, Italy



Up to £ 500.000, Galleria di Porta Ticinese, Milan, Italy
Per un’asta diversa, Nuova Brerarte, Milan, Italy
Sotto Osservazione, curated by Edoardo Di Mauro, Spazio Baldassini, Gubbio, Italy
Villa Gioiosa, curated by Mario Gorni, Villa Gioiosa, Cormano, Italy



Solo show, Galleria Pinta, Genoa, Italy
Juliet ten years mega party show, Galleria Diecidue, Milan, Italy
Openings, Gallery Night, Milan, Italy