17 June 2022

Colloque international – Art invisuel: Doxa et Paradoxe
Sorbonne Université
Mary Nahima Juillet Dakota speaking about MicroCollection at 7.58 min.
La Sororité dans les pratiques invisuelles (qui)


Mai 2020
Window 2020
a group video-sketch (here) curated by Anna Fatyanova
Microcollection minute 05.01


6 April 2017 – 15 May 2017
The Cabinet Project
St. George Campus
University of Toronto, Canada
video al minuto 17.50

17 September 2016

interview to Microcollection, min 6.45 in
Autocritica (here)
Videoforart, Lorenzo Baldi & Liliana Carugati
in NoPlace3 / 49° Premio Suzzara

May 2016
Video interview with Microcollection
by students Giulia Lo Chiatto, Elisa Greco Margarete, Rebecca Molteni
in ARTIST’S DOC. PROJECT, education project
section Multimedia Audio Visual
Liceo Artistico “Angelo Frattini”, Varese, Italy
Luca Scarabelli, teacher

16 March 2013
interview: Hubert Renard & Microcollection
at the exhibition
Hubert Renard & Microcollection
Les jeunes pousses d’Italie
16 March – 29 June 2013
CDLA Centre des livres d’artistes
video and montage Emmanuelle Waeckerle

10 July 2012

Art sowing: Flowerfields, 2008 by Line Bergseth
Parco del Museo del Tessile, Busto Arsizio

video and montage by M. Giovanna Massironi


Fairy tale: Microcollection Museum, 2010

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Scarica file

speaker: Monica Andaloro
editing audio: Fabio Montagnoli